Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Huckabee Boomlet
Huckabee Contributions Surpass Goal
As noted in this screenshot, as of 12:25 PM EDT, the goal was more than surpassed for the month of October. As I am writing this, I just checked the total as being $1,037,999.44 which is $125 in just 3 minutes! And in all of the stories on DIGG I have read, these crazy liberals put in the comments that he has no support. Be careful libs - you know you can be arrested for smoking things that make you hallucinate! Way to go Mike - keep up the good work. We're behind you!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Huckabee Fund-Raising Surges
Fund-raising for the Mike Huckabee Presidential Campaign is surging. In October the goal has been revised upwards three times. The campaign is now only about $30,000 away from raising more money in October than it raised in the previous three months combined.
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Huckabee takes a stand on legalized marijuana
Mike Huckabee was asked a question from a woman claiming she needed medical marijuana. However, this woman's problem isn't her pain, it's her attitude and lack of manners. Governor Huckabee deserves kudos for not spouting the party line answers and kicking the woman in the face. I suppose that's what he has Chuck Norris for now.
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Yepsen: Positive, Reagan-like spirit spurs Huckabee's rise
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's been the hot candidate in the Republican race since he finished second in the Iowa GOP's straw poll back in August.Oh, there was a little time out for some chatter about Fred Thompson, but as he has fallen flat, the talk about Huckabee has resumed.
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Response to Club for Growth
Details first hand information about first-tier presidental candidate Mike Huckabee's tax policy during is governorship of Arkansas.
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Neal Boortz likes Mike!
Quote from Neal Boortz's website - "Mike Huckabee .. proud of his record in Arkansas. This is the guy I would vote for if the election were held today."
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Rasmussen: Huckabee Tied for 3rd
Mike Huckabee continues his momentum upward, while the other candidates stagnate or continue to drop in the polls. Mike is the ONLY authentic, articulate conservative who has the momentum needed to WIN!GO MIKE!
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Friday, October 26, 2007
Rasmussen: Huckabee Passes Romney Nationally!

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Iowans Give Huckabee a Second Look
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Mike on The Leading Majority
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
One Presidential Candidate Supported By Chuck Norris
Ex-Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee has the unreserved endorsement of WND columnist Chuck Norris.
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Gingrich, Clinton agree on leading candidates
Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton couldn't agree on much when one dominated Congress and the other ran the White House. But on Sunday, they handicapped the 2008 presidential race the same way.
Clinton "called Huckabee, who was born in the former president's hometown of Hope, Ark., the 'only dark horse that's got any kind of chance. … He's the best speaker they've got.' "
Gingrich "said Huckabee can be 'very effective … if Huckabee can find money, he will be dramatically competitive almost overnight.' "
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Don't count out the most normal person running
David Brooks: Huckabee rising
Don't count out the most normal person running
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
RINDGE, N.H. -- The first thing you notice about Mike Huckabee is that he has a Mayberry name and a Jim Nabors face. But it's quickly clear that Mr. Huckabee is as good a campaigner as anybody running for president this year.
And before too long it becomes easy to come up with reasons why he might have a realistic shot at winning the Republican nomination:
First, Republican voters here and in Iowa are restless. That means that there will be sharp movements during the last 30 days toward whoever seems fresh and hot.
Second, each of the top-tier candidates makes certain parts of the party uncomfortable. Mr. Huckabee is the one candidate acceptable to all factions.
Third, Mr. Huckabee is the most normal person running for president (a trait that might come in handy in a race against Hillary Clinton). He is funny and engaging -- almost impossible not to like. He has no history of flip-flopping in order to be electable. He doesn't seem to be visibly calculating every gesture. Far from being narcissistic, he is, if anything, too neighborly to seem presidential.
Fourth, he is part of the new generation of evangelical leaders. Mr. Huckabee was a Baptist minister. But unlike the first generation of politically engaged Christian conservatives, Mr. Huckabee is not at war with mainstream America. As a teenager, he loved Jimi Hendrix, and he's now the bass player in a rock band that has opened for Willie Nelson and Grand Funk Railroad.
Fifth, though you wouldn't know it from the past few years, the white working class is the backbone of the GOP. Mr. Huckabee is most in tune with these voters.
He was the first male in his family's history to graduate from high school. He paid his way through college by working 40 hours a week and getting a degree in 2 1/2 years. He tells audiences that the only soap his family could afford was the rough Lava soap, and that he was in college before he realized showering didn't have to hurt.
"There are people paying $150 for an exfoliation," he jokes. "I could just hand them a bar of Lava soap."
His policies reflect that background. At the recent Republican economic debate, he was the candidate who most vociferously argued that the current economy is not working for the middle class. As the others spoke, he thought to himself: "You guys don't get out much. You should meet somebody who's not handing you a $2,300 check."
He condemns "immoral" CEO salaries, and on global trade he sounds like a Democrat: "There's no free trade without fair trade." (Polls suggest most Republican voters are, sadly, with him on this).
Sixth, he's a former governor. He talks about issues in a down-to-earth way that other candidates can't match. For example, he's got a riff on childhood obesity that rivets the attention of his audiences. He asks them to compare their own third-grade class photos with the photos of third-graders today. Then he goes down the list of the diseases that afflict preteens who get Type 2 diabetes.
"The greatest challenge in health care is not universal coverage," he argues while introducing his health care plan. "It's universal health. A healthy country would be less expensive to cover."
Seventh, he's a collaborative conservative. Republicans have tended to nominate heroic candidates in the Reagan mold. Mr. Huckabee is more of an interactive leader. His legislature in Arkansas was 90 percent Democratic, but he got enough done to be named among the nation's top five governors by Time magazine.
He endorses programs that are ideologically incorrect for conservatives, like his passion for arts education. He can't understand how the argument over the size of the funding increase for children's health care became an all-or-nothing holy war.
He also criticizes the Bush administration for its arrogance. "There was a time when people looked up to the U.S. Now they resent us, not because we're a superpower but because we act like one."
Mr. Huckabee has some significant flaws as a candidate. His foreign policy thinking is thin. Some of his policy ideas seem to come off the top of his head (he vows, absurdly, to make the U.S. energy independent within eight years).
But Mr. Huckabee is something that the party needs. He is a solid conservative who is both temperamentally and substantively different from the conservatives who have led the country over the past few years.
He's rising in the polls, especially in Iowa. His popularity with the press corps suggests he could catch a free media wave that would put him in the top tier. He deserves to be there.
David Brooks is a syndicated columnist for The New York Times.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Newsweek- The Case for Huckabee
BETWEEN THE LINES - Jonathan Alter
The GOP's Best Bet?
Hope and a common touch: reasons to like Mike Huckabee.
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Monday, October 15, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Dr. Dobson and Sean Hannity
I have to weigh in on this because this is really getting to me. Sean Hannity interviewed Dr. James Dobson on the radio a couple of days ago. Now, I am a Christian and agree with Dr. Dobson with his stance on family issues. I also understand his stance on the current top tier candidates on the Republican ticket and sticking to your moral values and your convictions.
What I can't figure out is if he is going to speak specifically about candidates he is not going to support, why won't he back someone? If you listened to this interview live, there was a caller shortly afterwards that backed Dr. Dobson on this issue and he didn't specifically back anyone either. The issue is this simple - I absolutely, positively do not want to see Clinton, Obama or Edwards become the President of this Country. When I go to the voting booth in November, I am going to vote for someone - it's either the Republican nominee or the Democratic nominee - there is not a "None of the Above" choice. If there is a 3rd party candidate, the Dems are in. There will be no chance for either the Republican nominee or the 3rd party candidate to come close. Nader and Perot have proven that it will make a difference.
So if you know you are not going to back a Democrat and you are not going to back Giuliani or Thompson, then pick one of the other candidates that fits in with your values and principles and do whatever is possible to get that person into the spot to win! This is not rocket science. I agree with Sean - either not voting at all or trying to build up an independent at this point is a bad idea.
We've just seen that Mike Huckabee ranked 3rd in the Iowa Polls. Well, does he not match exactly what you are looking for? You have not publicly denounced him, and I think he is exactly what this Country needs.
Dr. Dobson - back Mike Huckabee so that he can get the backing of the Christians in this Country. If not him, then one of the other candidates that should fit into the mold... but just PICK ONE!!! You do not realize what an extremely large following you have. By choosing someone, you are almost guaranteeing that Christian Conservatives will back that candidate at the ballot box. Instead of picking someone and getting their name out there, you've actually done a disservice by getting more press for Thompson and Giuliani.
Speak up and let your voice be heard! I have made my choice - I have made my donations, I started this blog, I tell everyone I meet about Mike, I have a sign in my front yard (which is a VERY heavily traveled road), I have a magnet on the back of my car and a bumper sticker on my wife's SUV. I've done my research and know where the other candidates stand on the issues, and I believe that Mike is not only the best candidate for the Republican Party, but he can truly beat anyone on the other ticket. But it has to be just the 2 parties, otherwise we're looking at Hillary care, $5000 baby bonds, partial birth abortion, a huge increase in terror attacks and higher taxes....
Monday, October 8, 2007
Mike Huckabee on Foreign Policy
The transcript of the speech that Mike Huckabee gave in Washington D.C. is available at the Georgia for Huckabee website. His explanations are very real and make a lot of sense. There has been much thought put into this and even more research, and it is worth taking the time to read.
Also, here is an article written on October 7th in the Des Moines Register that shows that Mike is moving up in the polls.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Christians Should Step Up!
I just read a great post on "A True Believer's Weblog" titled A Man of Real Faith. I hope that more Christian's feel this way and will step up and make a difference in this election. Let's get the word out people!
Mike Huckabee Pays $400 For A Haircut
Can you ask for a more decent human being? We have to get the word out!!!