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Friday, November 30, 2007

Georgia Right To Life Endorsing Huckabee

(11/30/07) Parting company with National Right To Life, which has endorsed Fred Thompson, Georgia Right To Life is giving its endorsement to former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, the organization announced Friday.

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Huckabee Riding the Bounce - TIME

Huckabee rising, having fun on the stump despite little money compared to rivals.

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Huckabee for Real

If Republicans are serious about winning this thing they should go for Mike Huckabee hands down. This guy has on-stage charisma, he's a serious fellow, and he's got guts. I might even vote for him and I'm a liberal. If it was between him and Hillary I'd definately vote for him. He's got everything recent republicans don't have.

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Knauss: Huckabee the 'man to beat'

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is the one to beat in the Iowa caucuses in January. That prediction did not come from any of Huckabee's campaign officials, though they might not argue the point. Instead, it came from Loren Knauss, area chairman for challenger Rudy Giuliani.

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Gov. Huckabee on fun and seriousness on the trail.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee answers a question on fun and seriousness on the campaign trail at a press luncheon in Washington, DC, on November 29, 2007.

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Success Is Testing the Huckabee Campaign

Huckabee, speaking with reporters in Washington, said: ''Is momentum enough? No, but if momentum turns into the ground game, the money and everything else, then yes, it is.''

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CNN Debate Sham Is Worse Than We Thought . . ..

It seems that CNN's conduct of Wednesday's debate is even worse then what originally thought. As of now it has been confirmed that at least 1/3 of all questioners had political ties to Democrats or liberal interest groups.

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CAUSE CÉLÈBRE: Is Chuck Norris Huckabee's secret weapon? - Los Angeles Time

Chuck Norris doesn't endorse candidates, he kicks them into the stratosphere.

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Huckabee Second Nationally, Gaining in New Hampshire

Huckabee Second Nationally in latest Rasmussen Reports poll, and gaining rapidly in New Hampshire.

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The Great “8” Republican Debate: HWHD (How Would Huckabee Do?)

Here's a well-written post on the Republican Debate. Humor, facts ... it has it all!

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Candidate match game

Cool flash based quiz to help you select the candidate of your choice based on your views on issues.

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Huckabee shines in heated Republican debate

Bad-tempered slights and bickering over claim and counter-claim marked the latest Republican debate this morning, prompting an ordained minister to intervene and diffuse the situation with his folksy humour.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jerry Falwell Jr. Endorses Mike Huckabee for President, Echoes Late Father'

Jerry Falwell Jr. backs Mike Huckabee and says his father, the late televangelist, also supported Huckabee even before his recent popularity in the polls.

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Huckabee Vows Delta Funding If Elected

WASHINGTON — Advocates for economic development in the Delta gained a commitment this week from Mike Huckabee to increase funding for the federal Delta Regional Authority if he is elected president.

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Huckabee Is a Fiscal Conservative

As a political consultant who has followed Arkansas politics for 30 years, Dick Morris describes Mike Huckabee's real tax record as governor in Arkansas.

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Huckabee gets key Florida endorsement

ORLANDO — GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee picked up an endorsement from one of Florida's most influential conservative politicians this evening in advance of Wednesday night's Republican debate in St. Petersburg.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mike Huckabee, The Democrats' Worst Nightmare

Democrats were never frightened of Giuliani and Romney. Giuliani and Romney both have more skeletons in their closets than the Adams Family. However, Dems are starting to worry about Huckabee. Huckabee is not just a consistent conservative around whom Republicans can coalesce, but he is also a populist who is becoming very popular with Independents

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Huckabee Campaign Breaks Goal Again

The Mike Huckabee campaign just broke through $1,250,000 goal hours ahead of the deadline. Go Mike Go!

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Huckabee and Illegal Immigration

The facts on where Huckabee stands on illegal immigration, and a look at the stands of some of his opponents.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Huckabee Campaign Manager Responds To Thompson Negative Attacks

"The desperate attacks on Governor Huckabee by Fred Thompson are evidence that Fred's show is running out of material and he's left to cranking out re-runs. Fred has been confused about being pro-life, but Governor Huckabee never has been......Fred is left to trying to resort to political dumpster diving."

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Regulators Ease Rules on Pre-Election 'Issue Ads,'

Decision to allow businesses and interest groups to name candidates in 'issue ads' could lead to fresh ads as early as next month in Iowa.

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Mike Huckabee: Rights and Responsibilities

In this video, Mike is speaking to a church. He speaks what he knows and believes, what America's founding fathers stated, that our rights come from God (which is why they are "unalienable"), not from the state, but that these rights have attendant responsibilities.

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The Politico: Huckabee running race like a marathoner

Huckabee is not leading the pack, but his gains are drawing fire from those who are.“The surge for Huckabee is remarkable in size and intensity alike,” said Gary Langer, director of polling for ABC. “He’s attracted not just support, but enthusiastic support from core Republican groups including conservatives, evangelicals & strong abortion oppo....

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Why Iowa Hearts Huckabee

Jake Tapper interviews the Republican Mike Huckabee about his momentum in Iowa.

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New TV Ad: "Believe"

New TV ad with Mike Huckabee explaining how his faith informs his life.

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Huckabee: America enslaved to Saudi oil

Consumers are financing both sides in the war on terror because of the actions of U.S. ally Saudi Arabia, Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said Sunday.

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GOP Presidential Hopeful Mike Huckabee Says Next Terror Attack 'Postmarked

Huckabee said he thinks the next terror attack on the U.S. will be "postmarked Pakistan" but said he believes that nation will continue to cooperate with American anti-terrorism efforts.

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Suddenly, Huckabee Is in Romney's Rearview Mirror

But his vision of quick, one-two victories here and in New Hampshire is crumbling, suddenly threatened by former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, a candidate who spent most of 2007 out of the spotlight and has struggled to raise money. Polls now show the pair in a virtual tie in Iowa.

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Huckabee campaigns with Flair

It was not exactly the fearsome Four Horsemen of professional wrestling, but Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s South Carolina tag team still got the crowd to pop Saturday.

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Video: Why I Like Mike


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Huckabee: I'm Against Illegal Immigration, But I'm Not A Lunatic About It

ABC News has posted a pretty compelling interview with Mike Huckabee about immigration.

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100% Pro-Life Huckabee. Yes!

Mike Huckabee has come out as 100% pro-life.

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Frequently asked Questions (Health care)

Governor Huckabee answers a question on Health care.

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Facing South: Hunters hail Huckabee

...Huckabee got a boost recently from Outdoor Life. The hunting and fishing magazine with more than 5 million readers named Huckabee one of the 25 "most positively influential people in hunting and fishing." He was the only presidential candidate who made the list, which also includes Ted "Motor City Madman" Nugent...

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First Chuck Norris, Ric Flair – Huckabee Is Assembling a Posse of Support

First it was martial arts hero and "Walker, Texas Ranger" star Chuck Norris, and now wrestling legend Ric Flair – can anyone stop Mike Huckabee?

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The Republican Evaluator

Evaluating the GOP Candidates.

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Mike Huckabee: Common Sense Connection

Mike Huckabee positions and many links!

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Video: Huckabee - Cinderella Man

Video montage showing Huckabee's rise in the polls and the subsequent change in the media reporting.

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Governor Huckabee: A Real Gun Rights Champion

I finally met a likely presidential candidate who leaves no doubt about where he stands on the gun issue. Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is a true blue gun rights supporter.

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Mike Huckabee at Defending the American Dream Summit

Mike Huckabee addresses more than 1,700 grassroots activists at Americans for Prosperity in the Mayflower Hotel Ballroom, Oct. 5, 2007. Mike gave a speech on his fiscal plank and how our current tax system is killing the prosperity of America. The IRS Tax Code needs to go, and replace it with the Fair Tax Plan.

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

I Like Mike Huckabee: Digg the Candidates - Mike Huckabee

Using Digg, a social bookmarking web site, is one way you can help support Mike Huckabee for President of the United States. If you are registered on Digg, be sure to show everyone you support Mike Huckabee for President by adding him as a friend through Digg the Candidates.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Catholic Knight: 2008 Presidential Candidates and the Catholic Vote

The Catholic Knight: 2008 Presidential Candidates and the Catholic Vote: "The third leading candidate, just one point behind Alan Keyes, is Mike Huckabee with a score of 69. Since he is a top tier candidate on the Republican short-list, this effectively makes Mike Huckabee the most viable candidate for Catholic voters."

Left Behind Author Jerry B. Jenkins Endorses Mike Hukcabee

Mike Huckabee weighs in with his heavy weight Christian conservative endorsement with author Jerry B. Jenkins of the Left Behind Series. Jenkins has been previously named as one of the most powerful person in entertainment by Entertainment Weekly.

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DesMoines Register: Instill hope for future. Support strong families.

America's greatest generation hasn't come and gone; I believe it is yet to be born. My vision for our country is for all Americans to share that optimism.To make it a reality, we need capable leadership committed to making America stronger, more unified, more secure and abounding in opportunities for us to realize our dreams.

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ABC News: Huckabee Makes Gains Among GOP Base

This article positively discusses the surging campaign of Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. It discusses all of the controversial issues surrounding him including, electability, taxes, immigration, faith, and ethics issues.

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Hitting the candidates in a tough spot

Although this article is from the summer, it is my first time reading it and I thought it would be nice to share. Although it is entirely tongue in cheek, it does make you wonder sometimes how close these statements would be to the truth....

"...He needs the frequent-flier cards because he travels on normal planes - US Airways for this trip. He needs the credit cards and cash because he pays for stuff. Some candidates have their staff handle the taxis and tips, but his national field director is his daughter, Sarah, so he's probably used to grabbing the tab.

The wallet tells me Huckabee is a fairly normal guy."

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Huckabee gains ground with Iowa evangelicals

Discusses Huckabee's gain in the Iowa polls and the strategy for turning this into votes.

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Rubutting the NRO

Joe Carter of the Evangelical Outpost provides an excellent rebuttal of the National Review Online's editorial on Mike Huckabee.

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Join the Rangers

Get behind the only true conservative and fairtax supporter in this election! Join the Rangers

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On the verge of a new record...

Mike Huckabee is poised to set a new record in his fundraising efforts. While people widely dismiss him for not having enough money he continues gaining steam both in the polls and in his fundraising.

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Video: Zig Ziglar Endorses Mike Huckabee

A talented author and speaker, Zig Ziglar shares with America why he supports Mike HuckabeeGod Bless Mike!

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Mike Huckabee is nominated for the AARP impact award

Mike Huckabee has been nominated for an impact award for his work as a health crusader. Another example of how Mr. Huckabee is the kind of guy we need as president.

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Giuliani, Thompson, McCain Won't Sign 'No Tax' Pledge

Americans for Tax Reform, a conservative taxpayer group, regularly asks Republican politicians to sign a pledge not to raise taxes. Three Republican presidential candidates have not signed the pledge, which one strategist said might hurt them during the primaries.

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

10 Questions Website

Mike Huckabee knocks another one out of he park on the website Guess what - Mike is the ONLY candidate that took the time to answer the questions that these folks took the time to post. To me, that says a lot about this great man - what do you think?

I have been spending a lot of time (maybe too much) on, but it is amazing to me how many people are getting on there that support Ron Paul and just doing a lot of name calling and talking about things that have already been addressed over and over again. This one guy goes to EVERY Huckabee post just about it and puts something on there about how Huckabee wants to put the sick and dying in prison because he does not support legalizing Marijuana. How retarded do you have to be to have this as your only stance on why the guy should not be president?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Huckabee Poll Numbers Rise in Romney's Home Turf

On the Republican side, Huckabee received 9 percent, compared with 3 percent in August.

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Huckabee and Reagan: Parallels

Side by side comparison of quotes from President Ronald Reagan with the words of Mike Huckabee.

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Huckabee Receives “Star” Endorsement from Ms. Star Parker

Little Rock, AR – Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee adds Ms. Star Parker to the growing list of endorsements by members of the faith community. Ms. Parker is founder and president of CURE*, Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education, a national conservative think tank focused on breaking the cycle of poverty.

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Friday, November 16, 2007

2008 Presidential Primary Data Tracker... Polls, Money, Blogs, Web, more!

Excellent Blog posting with an overview of the stats from the presidential election so far this year.

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50%+ of Married American Men Would Not Vote for Hillary

Additional stats showing that Hillary Clinton's popularity among men is a major area of concern.

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Strong Show of Support From Washington State Faith Leaders

Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee was joined today by Dr. Joseph Fuiten, founder of Positive Agenda and Pastor of Cedar Park Church in Bothell, WA, to announce a growing list of endorsements from leaders of the faith community in Washington State.

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What Leadership Looks Like

Video shows Mike Huckabee's vertical leadership.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Huckabee Campaign Responds to YouTube Video from 2003

“Despite what some Washington insiders who don’t understand the fundamentals of governing or leadership will have you believe, when you discern the facts, the reality is that Mike Huckabee is a true fiscal conservative.”

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Huckabee Names Tim Michels Chairman of Wisconsin Leadership Committee

“I am proud to announce the addition of Tim Michels as Chairman of my Wisconsin Leadership Committee,” Huckabee said. “He is a highly motivated manager, distinguished military veteran, and a strong supporter of common sense, conservative values.”

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Janet Huckabee to make stops in Taylors, Clemson

The wife of presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee will be in Taylors and Clemson today as the three-day First Ladies Bus Tour swings through the Upstate.

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Climate Scientist Survey Reveals Little Consensus

A new survey of American members of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suggests that there is not firm scientific consensus on global warming, as proponents of swift action to curb carbon emissions have suggested.It is so nice to see that this alarmist attitude is being quenched!

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Chris Slusser sets Marc Ambinder straight on Mike Huckabee

You can read Marc Ambinder's blog to understand this response:

Check your facts...the Supreme Court mandate required a large increase in the state's budget...which created a budget shortfall that they had to account for. That's what he was addressing in the video that was taken out of context. Doesn't it make you wonder why the entire video wasn't shown...but instead just an unflattering clip?

Huckabee cut taxes 94 times while governor of Arkansas. He cut capital gains taxes by 25%, eliminated the marriage penalty, doubled the child care tax credit, eliminated capital gains on the sale of a home, passed the FIRST broad based tax cut in the history of the state of Arkansas. He balanced the budget every year he was in office, cut income taxes and left the state with an $850mil surplus.

I'm okay with that record...and anyone who isn't is just plain kidding themselves. There's not another GOP candidate with anything close to Huckabee's resume on cutting taxes.

Chris Slusser

New Poll: 24% in Iowa!

Mike Huckabee 24% in Iowa!

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12 Reasons why Mike Huckabee is the best choice for the Republican ticket.

I have finally decided who I should vote for in the Republican primary. Mike Huckabee. In this post I outline 12 reasons why I believe Mike Huckabee is the best choice for President of the United States.

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HisHolySpace Endorses Mike Huckabee for President

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill., Nov. 14 /Christian Newswire/ -- Jeff Broderick, owner of (The fastest growing Christian Social Network) has announced he is endorsing Mike Huckabee for the 2008 Presidential Election.

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Huckabee Rakes in Major Christian Endorsements |

Many leaders of faith are finally beginning to follow their followers and endorse Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. They can see that he upholds their compassionate values while continuing to live and breathe conservatism.

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Huckabee refuses to throw mud

Once again, Mike Huckabee shows the quality of his character and keeps things positive. When given the opportunity to fling dirt around he passed.

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Mike Huckabee Is Very Good on Environment & Energy

African American Environmentalist Association : We are glad that Mike Huckabee did well in the Iowa straw poll by coming in second place. We like Huckabee's conservative values and his efficient way of communicating his views.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Huckabee South Carolina Bus Tour

Former Arkansas First Lady Janet Huckabee, wife of former Governor and Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee will join Former South Carolina First Ladies Iris Campbell and Mary Wood Beasley as well as Former Arkansas First Lady Gay White for a three day bus tour through South Carolina, it was announced today.

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Romney Tries to Counter Surging Huckabee

Just weeks before voting begins, the race in the leadoff caucus state has tightened. Romney led in Iowa by double-digits in polls for months but now is trying to curb Huckabee's recent rise in surveys and gains among religious conservatives...

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why Huckabee Didn't Get National Right to Life Committee Endorsement

An interesting analysis of why Mike Huckabee did not get the National Right to Life Committee endorsement. From the article:"Thus, Fred Thompson got the National Right to Life endorsement instead of the more consistently socially-conservative Mike Huckabee because Thompson is the more consistently pro-corporate candidate."

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Poll: Top Democrats Deadlocked In Iowa

A new CBS News/New York Times poll shows both parties face heated contests in Iowa, where Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards are deadlocked and Mike Huckabee is cutting into Mitt Romney%u2018s once-large lead.

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Student claims she was fed question for Clinton

The college student who says she was told what question to ask at one of New York Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign events said Monday that "voters have the right to know what happened" and she wasn't the only one who was planted.

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What We Need

Video of Mike Huckabee calling the Republican Party back to their roots.

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My "snapshot" of Mike Huckabee

This is an excellent blog post by photographer David Ball - please take a minute and read the posting about his incredible experience and view the great work of this gifted artist.

"He appears to be the real deal in the sense that what you see is what you get. And so far, I like what I’ve seen and have personally experienced. At least a voter can expect to get a straight answer from this governor from Hope, Arkansas without parsed answers on what the meaning if "is" is.

I only hope the rest of the nation will have the opportunity to see the same thing."

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I Like Mike Huckabee: Huckabee Has Other Candidates Running Scared

Mike Huckabee has the other candidates running scared. Just look at all the attacks from all sides being launched against him. Opponents don't take aim unless they are looking for a trophy to hang on their wall!

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Huckabee Tells DHMC to Emphasize Preventive Care

Mike Huckabee, a candidate for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, meets with employees at Darthmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center yesterday.

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Huckabee Trails Hillary by Three Points in U.S.

(Angus Reid Global Monitor) - Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton is leading Republican Mike Huckabee in the United States, according to a poll by Rasmussen Reports. 46 per cent of respondents would vote for the New York senator in the 2008 presidential election, while 43 per cent would back the former Arkansas governor.

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Romney Now Seen As Most Conservative Republican, Huckabee Gaining Ground

Mitt Romney now tops Thompson and is seen as the most conservative candidate while Mike Huckabee is gaining ground fast on that front.

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Home Educators for Mike Huckabee 2008

Mike Huckabee stands for the kind of values homeschoolers appreciate and is a big supporter of homeschooling and education.

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I Like Mike Huckabee: How to: Evaluate Huckabee Grassroots Campaigns

Recently, I have been wrestling with many quotes from a site claiming to be a grassroots site supporting Mike Huckabee. I'm not even going to tell you which site it is, but I do want to give a few helpful hints outlining how to tell if a site claiming to be from the Huckabee grassroots is legitimate.

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Huckabee: A Real Threat In Pakistan

Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said Sunday he thought President Bush has done well in bringing Pakistan and Gen. Pervez Musharraf "back to reality," but that the suspension of the country's constitution is unacceptable.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Huckabee campaign picks up speed

"Something is happening in this campaign that we can't even explain," Huckabee said Saturday. "We're on a surge in Iowa that's just stunning."

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The Truth On Taxes

Rebuttal to attacks on Mike Huckabee's positions on taxes

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Pat Robertson Endorsement Says More About Him Than Giuliani

Apparently, Pat didn't get the memo that Rudy stands for all the things he (Robertson) has claimed to oppose with every fiber of his being for the last forty years. And apparently Rudy didn't get the memo that Pat's influence with the so-called "religious right" peaked about a decade ago and has been declining rapidly ever since.

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Huckabee Viewed as Conservative in Rasmussen Poll

Huckabee is now viewed increasingly as conservative by voters, while the number of people who view Fred Thompson as conservative are falling.

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The Golden City

What if you know something? What if Jesus is inside of you?What if you have in your life the greatest thing that has ever happened to all Mankind?Is it pride to want to tell people? Is it arrogant?This is a story about a little boy who finds gold, but nobody wants to hear him.

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"Rights and Responsibilities"

A sermon by governor Michael Huckabee.

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Blogging from Iowa

This is an amazing picture of what Mike Huckabee truly is and what it means to be a Huckabee supporter in Iowa. Sarah Huckabee wrote this blog and I think she would know Governor Huckabee better than any of us and the meaning behind the words she wrote. Enjoy this and pass it along!

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mike Huckabee's Statements On No Child Left Behind

Mike Huckabee gives his views on the No Child Left Behind education legislation. He also has a great plan to change the education system to personalize education to reduce dropouts.

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Several Christian Conservative Leaders Gravitating Toward Huckabee

Several Christian conservative leaders, troubled by the appearance the movement is divided, are moving toward Republican Mike Huckabee...

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Huckabee Convinvced He Can Beat Hillary

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee believes Sen. Hillary Clinton winning the Democratic nomination is a near certainty, and, he said, he's the only Republican candidate who can be effective against her. As evidence, he cites his experience of beating back the "headwinds" of the Clinton's Arkansas influence in the 1990s.

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I Like Mike Huckabee: Will You Step Into the Gap?

Recently, I have been reading some comments in articles that go something like this, "I would vote for (endorse, work for, donate money to, etc.) Mike Huckabee if he had ten million in the bank (had more endorsements, had higher poll ratings, etc.). As an argument, I have to be honest - I think it's weak.

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Southern preacher could be saviour of the Republicans

He is a former governor of Arkansas from a town called Hope. He has a nice line in campaign humour and speaks like a Deep South preacher. He is also running for President. But this is not Bill Clinton of 1992. This is Mike Huckabee, a long-shot Republican contender for the 2008 White House who has burst into the leading pack of the race for his

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Members of SBC Endorse Huckabee

It's been a week full of endorsements for former governor Mike Huckabee. Friday, his campaign announces several more. Six influential members of the Southern Baptist Convention say they will endorse Huckabee in the 2008 presidential election.

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Where Does Huckabee Fit In?

WASHINGTON -- When I asked former pastor and current presidential candidate Mike Huckabee his response to Pat Robertson's endorsement of Rudy Giuliani, he paused for a moment. "Surprised," was his understated reply. But his frustration was quickly evident. "Our Web site went nuts with people saying they will never give money to Robertson again."

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Friday, November 9, 2007

FLASH: James Dobson to Endorse Mike Huckabee

Sources close to Dobson say that within the next ten days he is coordinating an endorsement plan with the presidential campaign of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. According to a Huckabee insider in Iowa, the event would be staged in that state at a rally, followed by a bus tour across the state, and an appearance by Huckabee on Dobson's radio s

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Press Release: Mike Huckabee Comments About Endorsement Rumors
November 09, 2007
LITTLE ROCK, AR - Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee issued the following statement today regarding James Dobson:

"There is no imminent campaign announcement about his support - and my campaign has not said there is, despite wild Internet rumors and some press accounts to the contrary. I have also spoken personally to him about the matter."

Mike Huckabee Endorsed by American Family Association Founder Donald Wildmo

Republican Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee has received an endorsement from Donald E. Wildmon, founder of American Family Association (AFA).

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One Mom Meets Mike

Blogger One Mom describes her meeting with Mike Huckabee

"...there was also a small break in the crowd and Hannah said “there he is! there’s president Huckabee!”. It’s a little hard to explain to her that he’s not the President yet, but is running for President. I do happen to agree with her sentiment though."

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Los Angeles Times: On second thought, conservatives give Huckabee an AMEN!

After months of dismissing Huckabee as a nice guy with no chance to win, Iowa's influential social conservatives are giving him a second look. The latest polls give him anywhere from 13% to 19% of the vote in Iowa, up from 2% to 3% a few months ago. Those numbers put him in second place behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

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Truth Squad: Immigration Facts

Important facts and answers to questions about Mike Huckabee's stance on Immigration.

Finally, Christian Leaders sand by their principles!

In a day when so called "Christian leaders" are forsaking their principles for access to perceived Presidential front runners and lucrative consultation fees to bring in the "Evangelical Christian votes." In a day when the so called "fighters for family values" are fighting to keep families at risk to prevent their organizational fundraising efforts from diminishing. In a day when our so called Christian leaders have lost their right to be called leaders, some shining lights emerge.

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Cheery Conservative Huckabee Shakes Up Republican Race

Mike Huckabee, a wise-cracking, guitar-strumming, Baptist pastor has leapt into a conservative void and shot into contention in the unpredictable 2008 Republican White House race.

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Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

"It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create in allusion of rapid global warming."

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dick Morris: Huckabee Can Win in Iowa

Mike Huckabee is on a roll. Nationally, I just won my bet with Bill O’Reilly when he broke 10 percent in the latest CNN poll. And in Iowa, he is now running second.

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GOPUSA News: Results of GOPUSA's Grassroots Survey

HOUSTON (GOPUSA News) -- The results of 2,168 respondents to GOPUSA's recent survey. The survey was administered to members of GOPUSA's Grassroots Survey Team.

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Huckabee turns the other cheek

Mike Huckabee speaks of his love for Paul Weyrich, and thoroughly refutes the misinformation cited by Weyrich in his endorsement of Romney.

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Eternal Perspectives (Randy Alcorn's blog): Why I Support Mike Huckabee for President

Eternal Perspectives (Randy Alcorn's blog): Why I Support Mike Huckabee for President

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Mike Huckabee Discusses Iraq

Mike Huckabee discusses Iraq and tells Democrat candidates that they need to get their lips off the backside of George Soros and denounce the ads which called General Petraeus a traitor.

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Texas Monthly Talks MIKE HUCKABEE

Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee discusses the war in Iraq, and his religious views with TEXAS MONTHLY editor Evan Smith.

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Huckabee forms AR GOP Leadership Team

Little Rock, AR – Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee announced the launch of his Arkansas GOP Leadership team today – a group that includes a growing list of current and former federal and state Republican officials from the Natural State.

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Huckabee Gets Vote of Confidence from Pastor of One of Largest Churches

Republican presidential primary contender Mike Huckabee received a major vote of confidence Sunday from the pastor of one of the nation's largest churches.

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Huckabee Campaign in Iowa

Coverage by KATV of the Huckabee campaign on the trail in Iowa.

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Huckabee Now in Third Place Two Points Behind Thompson

Mike Huckabee has surged into third place in the Republican polls and is now only two points behind Fred Thompson.

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Statement From Campaign Manager

"Senator Thompson made some greatly untrue statements about Gov Mike Huckabee and should be called on it! When campaigning for President of the USA, one must show better prudence than that, regarding accuracy of information. He should have researched better. He could have called you!" Submitted by DIGG user DFCSTech at

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Daily Rasmussen: Up Two Over Romney

Trending Upwards and onwards!

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The New Huck's Army Now Armed and Ready

The New Huck's Army is now armed and ready to battle for Mike Huckabee for President in 2008. Discussion forums, grassroots fund-raising, Mike Huckabee videos, and downloadable resources are all available so you won't go into battle unarmed.

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The Basics - I Like Mike!
This blog post really gets down to the basics and is a good starting point for anyone who has not heard of Mike Huckabee. This post is not overwhelming and is a great idea for introduction prior to sending someone to the official website.

A Roundhouse Kick for Immigration Attacks

Chuck Norris sets the facts straight on the recent attempts to smear Governor Huckabee's record on illegal immigration.

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Huck2008: Jeb Bush on Huckabee

Huck2008: Jeb Bush on Huckabee - This blog post from Huck2008 states Jeb Bush's favorable message about Mike Huckabee.

Mike Huckabee Covered in Political Lunch

Political Lunch, in it's "Thursday Snack" report, gives a mostly favorable review of the Mike Huckabee campaign.

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Huckabee Officially files for the New Hampshire Primary

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Supporting Huckabee

Great article by Loreen Daniels regarding voting for the BEST candidate instead of the most popular one.

It is very important for me to help the people of this area to understand the importance of knowing that the purpose of a primary is NOT to vote for the most popular person who they think has a good chance of winning the election, . . . but for the best person who one thinks will make the best president.

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Huckabee defends Arkansas record on immigration

Some of Governor Huckabee's detractors say he worked with big businesses in Arkansas to attract illegal aliens to the state for low-paying jobs, and effectively turned Arkansas into a sanctuary state for illegal aliens. Huckabee shrugs off the criticism, calling it "routine politics 101."

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Friday, November 2, 2007

Huckabee Surges Forward in Republican White House Race

New Hampshire voter Deeann Dubois says, "He's got a lot of good ideas. He's a down to earth guy. He loves dogs. He plays guitar. What more could you ask for?"New Hampshire voter Bob Demaura added, "He answered questions, stuck to his principles -- good to see in a politician."

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Not about Mike...

This is not about Mike Huckabee, but it was so good I had to share...

It effectively portrays Hillary as an unprincipled flip-flopper. Edwards may be emerging as the resurgent candidate and the possibility of his capturing the nomination should no longer be discounted. He, not Obama, may turn out to be Clinton's most formidable challenger --- and destroyer.

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Shout about Mike Day

Please follow this link to find out about "Shout About Mike Day" and the CNN YouTube Party at the end of November. Sign up to join a team in your area by sending an email to event organizer Shelby Barker.

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Dr. Rick Warren Statement

Dr. Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in CA, commenting on his respect of Gov Mike Huckabee.

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It's not Huckabee Girl

It's certainly no Huckabee girl, but Huckabee has many supporters thinking he's Snoopy's candidate.

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The Politico: Huckabee works magic on youngsters

Huckabee charms draws high school students to his cause.

Huckabee told a high school student in Arkansas on Saturday that he supports college tuition assistance for young people who engage in nonmilitary national service.

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Rick Scarborough Endorses Mike Huckabee

Many in the secular press are now reporting that he is a legitimate first-tier candidate whose star is rising while others are fading. Millions of voters are gravitating to him.

I acknowledge I am not as politically savvy as some, and you should consider that as you read this open letter, but I have concluded that Gov. Mike Huckabee is our best hope for leading this nation at this time.

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New Web Traffic Ratings Confirm Huckabee Surge

Huckabee's web traffic soars as he closes in on Ron Paul. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton's website manages to draw in more traffic than Paul's for the first time as Paul's traffic falls off from the previous week.

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Create Palestinian State Outside of Israel

Presidential candidate, Gov. Mike Huckabee, has been criticized for having no foreign policy experience. This article demonstrates that Gov. Huckabee has more insights to the Middle East situation than any other candidate.

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