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Friday, November 9, 2007

FLASH: James Dobson to Endorse Mike Huckabee

Sources close to Dobson say that within the next ten days he is coordinating an endorsement plan with the presidential campaign of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. According to a Huckabee insider in Iowa, the event would be staged in that state at a rally, followed by a bus tour across the state, and an appearance by Huckabee on Dobson's radio s

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Press Release: Mike Huckabee Comments About Endorsement Rumors
November 09, 2007
LITTLE ROCK, AR - Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee issued the following statement today regarding James Dobson:

"There is no imminent campaign announcement about his support - and my campaign has not said there is, despite wild Internet rumors and some press accounts to the contrary. I have also spoken personally to him about the matter."