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Friday, January 11, 2008

Florida teen hearts Huckabee

Sarah Davis had an unusual Christmas list for a typical 15-year-old this year, especially for someone who’s not even old enough to vote. The Ormond Beach teen asked relatives to contribute to GOP presidential wannabe Mike Huckabee’s campaign, apparently caught up in the enthusiasm shared for the candidate by her parents and others.

What I think is really neat about this story is the part that was published on a forum that my wife reads. She told me the story of how the family ran into Janet Huckabee and Sarah stated her name. Mrs. Huckabee knew exactly who she was and took them directly to the VIP section. As Governor Huckabee came up to shake their hands, Janet explained who they were. Mike gave her a big hug and told them how much he appreciated her gesture and how it helped him and his team keep going afer nights of only 4 hours of sleep.

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